Saturday, May 31, 2008
Hello good mornings!

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Just clicking around: photography

Big happy funhouse is a photoblog of old photos. it is awesome, like looking at my grandmother's oldies. Click on the archive for more photos than the main page holds.
Square America is a gallery of vintage snapshots & vernacular photography. More fabulous oldies. The archives (at the bottom of the main page) are actually organized by theme. Each collection is really fascinating
Running from Camera - is a comical collection of pictures of a guy running from his camera. This guy has been running from his 2-second self-timer for 2 years!
Mr. Toledano takes pictures of bankrupt businesses... surprisingly intriguing.
Photoblogs.org has a hefty index of photoblogs if you find yourself interested. Many of the most popular blogs are by people who seem to be quite incredible photographers. most of the comments are to critique the skill and composition of the photo and photographer.
Photo.net is one of my new favorites to check out periodically. It is a community for photographers and photography enthusiasts (I am the latter of the 2). Anyway, breathtaking photos here.
Little People Swap

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Oooey gooey fun!
Signing Time Music - 5 day special

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
We're sprouting up veggies!

- The Surprise Garden by Zoe Hall and Shari Halpern
- The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
- Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Ehlert
- The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall and Shari Halpern
Monday, May 26, 2008
Thomas' Day Out
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sorry, I couldn't resist: P-Mate

Thursday, May 22, 2008
More thoughts on blogging my 29 day challenge
Hi there. You don't have to blog every day. You can share stories whenever
you feel moved to. The intention behind sharing the stories is to help inspire
others to give... not to "brag." Sharing the stories also helps you acknowledge
yourself and be more mindful about your gifts and we get get gift ideas from
each other from reading the posts.
So, what I have concluded is that I'll share my gifts and experiences on the 29DGC website, and share my thoughts and feelings here, when I feel like I have something interesting to say.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I've just signed the ONE Declaration committing myself to help fight the
emergency of global AIDS and extreme poverty. I'm asking you to make that
commitment, too, by adding your voice. I think your name belongs on that
declaration, too. You can put it there by visiting: http://www.one.org/declare/ ONE is a new
effort by Americans to rally Americans - one by one. So far, over two million
have signed the declaration in support of a historic pact for compassion and
justice to help the poorest people of the world. Together as ONE we can make a
I was inspired to make a difference after looking at James Nachtwey's piercing photos on famine. His photographs are very moving and upsetting, so keep that in mind before you click. (Click on the famine gallery, although all are worth seeing.)
"I have been a witness, and these pictures are
testimony. The events I have recorded should
not be forgotten and must not be
-James Nachtwey-
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Day 2 of my 29 day Giving Challenge
Monday, May 19, 2008
Day 1 of my 29 day Giving Challenge goes to the dogs!

Sophie and Kaia going for a dip
The 29 Day Giving Challenge

Why? Because to see the world change, we have to do something to change the
world. Plus, the best way to attract abundance into your life is to be in a
perpetual state of giving and gratitude. Be an important part of the global
giving movement that inspires more generosity on our planet.
Yesterday I was going for a walk with Fischer when I found $20 on the road. I decided to set it aside in case I need it during my 29 Day Giving Challenge. I feel like this is going to be a good way to help me focus on others. I'll post each day about how the challenge is going. Then I'll share my story on the Giving website (that's part of the project). I'd like to encourage you to try it with me.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Don't want to take a nap? Quietly destroy your room and paint your body with butt paste!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Go ahead flaunt it: Wear your Despair

Artist in the making
Thinking about art in the lives of our little ones this week, we asked
ourselves: if we were to make a list of the ten best artists to introduce to our
preschoolers, who would be on it? Which artists would capture our little ones'
imaginations, make them curious, inspire them, make them laugh, puzzle, wonder?
Emily bought Fisch some super-fabulous colored pencils, they are chunky, and when you write with them the color is bright and smooth. They are Crayola Write Start.
Also as I was reading the Savvy Source and a few other sites, I came across Squiggles. It is a giant drawing pad with lots of drawing starters, like designing t-shirts. It looked really fun! I don't think it would be right for Fisch at this point, but older kiddos would probably have a blast! The Scribbles book might be a fun one to try with him.
- Squiggles: A Really Giant Drawing and Painting Book by Taro Gomi
- Scribbles: A Really Giant Drawing and Coloring Book by Taro Gomi
Another drawing pad is the Doodles at Dinner: 36 Tear-Off Placemats by Deborah Zemke tear-off placemats. How perfect, especially for theose restaurants that don't have paper placemats! These placemats even have different skills to practice like writing and numbers and what not.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Entice your kids to practice reading with Starfall

Book of the day

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Jim Gill is good family fun
Jim Gill leads concerts of music & playthroughout the country at schools,
libraries and theaters.A concert with Jim Gill is an active sing-along and
clap-along. Jim bangs out energetic rhythms on his banjo while everyone sings,
claps, jumps, dances and even sneezes along.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Save the world one Small Change at a time

Your support can change lives.
Food provides the foundation for success and growth in life. America’s Second Harvest Network provides food assistance to 25 million people each year, including nearly nine million children. Through the power of our Network of emergency food providers, every dollar you donate provides 16 meals, and the hope of a brighter and more fulfilling tomorrow.
Too fab gift idea!

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Have you hugged a REAL Daddy today?
A majority of Americans have identified the absence of the father from the home
as the most significant family or social problem facing America. In a
lighthearted manner, this campaign demonstrates the critical role fathers play
in their children’s lives, and provides information on becoming a better dad.
Check out these great ads about responsible fathers! Then give a Great Daddy in your life some well deserved lovin'. I know that I will!
The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse (NRFC) supports the Administration for Children and Families' Office of Family Assistance's
(OFA) efforts to assist States and communities to promote and support
Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Marriage.
Thanks Goodyblog for the info!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Self Help
There is a part of me that wants to be happy with who I am and what I look like, but there is this other part that can't be happy with what I look like because I am not the person I want to be. I'm sure the person I want to be will always be changing, so shouldn't I be happy with the person who is doing her best to get there? Well, I don't think that I'm doing my best. I know I could do better. Sometimes I think I should try to cut myself some slack... but then I also think... am I lowering my expectations for myself because I'm lazy? Maybe.
I want to be the kind of person who does what she sets out to do. I'm not even talking about accomplishing big dreams or goals at this point, I'm talking about my To Do list and my desired routines. For some reason all of that starts to feel a bit overwhelming... it really shouldn't.
I have decided to make small changes each month, and a few long term and attainable goals. This week I have started one of my changes. I have a small list of things that I'd like to do everyday and I have it posted on a door (Andy has posted his list there too). We check them off each night. So far (it has been 4 days), today will be the first day that I have accomplished all of them. I have exercised, I have kept track of my WW points (although I did go over my allotment - but my goal is just to keep track at this point), I have cleaned one thing that isn't a daily chore, I have moved one load of laundry through and I have done my daily chores before bed. Now If I get myself to bed by 10, I will have had a "perfect" day.
- Exercising - It isn't so much that I am trying to turn into a super model (although, I wouldn't mind if I did), but I'd like to have exercise be part of my lifestyle, not something I have to do. Exercise makes me feel good and obviously helps me to be healthy.
- Weight Watcher Points - Yes I am trying to lose weight. I am not at a comfortable nor healthy weight and my body interferes with my desired lifestyle. I hate when Sheila or Kristy want to go hiking and I have to come up with some lame excuse because I don't want to have a heart attack on the mountain! The worst part is, I love hiking and I love being in the mountains and I want Fischer to LOVE it too. So... I've got to do something about this.
- Cleaning is a source of stress for me. I absolutely hate it! I've tried to fake loving it in hopes that I'll truly love it one day - didn't work. I've tried to see God in a cleaning task and make it spiritual and be thankful that I can make a clean home for my family - worked for a minute. The problem is, that if I let the cleaning chores go for too long, they become way too big and too hard and I need a week to get it under control - and when do I have a week to do that? Plus, with chores hanging over my head, I can't really enjoy the times that I'm relaxing. So, I've resolved to clean one thing a day and pretty soon those cleaning tasks will be more manageable and easily maintained.
- Laundry is another mountain I like to procrastinate. Therefor, I have resolved to move at least one load through every day, until this too is at a more manageable and maintainable level.
- Finally, my everyday chores. Just the silly stuff like making the bed, cleaning up after dinner, picking up the toys etc. It is stuff that if I don't do one day, the next morning isn't quite as pleasant. AND while I almost always accomplish this, I still put it on the list so that I could praise myself for it!
So those are my 5 changes for this month, and I think they are quite doable. My one goal is to run 150 miles before my birthday. That is less than 12 a week. I can totally do that! I've put a ticker below (at the bottom of my blog), so that you can watch me check off my miles and melt away my pounds. I figure that if I make it public, that will be just one more incentive to stick to it.
My ultimate goal is to be happy with myself and I know that there are plenty more factors to the equation, but this is where I am starting.
BTW, I recently found a fun and inspiring site called Adios Barbie.com: a body image site for every body. I really liked reading "7 Ways to Love Your Body Through Thick and Thin".