Monday, November 17, 2008

Muffin Tin Monday

Muffin Tin Monday is... all about putting together a fun and inviting lunch for your little a muffin tin. Do this, and chances are, they'll eat a little more than usual (which I would love for Fisch to do) and possibly try something new (which I would be surprised if Fisch would do)! I've heard that you should give kids a new food 15 times before you can truly determine whether they like it or not... and this seems to be the perfect way. Usually Fischer won't even let the offending new food stay on his plate... but this idea is promising.
Muffin Tin Mondays started and resided for quite a long time over at Sycamore Stirrings... till she upped and moved overseas. She passed it along to its current home at Her Cup Overfloweth. These ladies like to issue themes and fun ideas to their many followers who in turn post their pictures and links to their blogs for you to admire their marvelous muffin tin creations. In fact, you are welcome to peruse many of these photos over on Flickr. Lots of great ones!
We tried our very first Muffin Tin lunch on Sunday and Fischer loved it!! He DID let offensive foods stay on his plate, although he did not try them. He DID eat more than usual. This was definitely too much food, we shared a bit. If I was going to post to the Muffin Tin blog, I'd definitely have to get a better looking muffin tin!
Anyway here are the foods pictured: mini PB&J sandwich circles that I cut out with a shot glass, carrots, drink, Pringles, our homemade pickles, apple slices, cheese, turkey, banana bread cubes, bananas, and dinner leftovers (pasta, beans and veggies).
I thought for sure that Fisch would eat the chips first... but he didn't, he started with the mini sandwiches. Although this muffin tin looks rather uninspiring... I will say that it made me think a little bit more about what I was giving him for lunch. It was also really fun for he and I to decide together what should go in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a FABULOUS idea! I'm going to try it tomorrow but with a tin that fits six muffins because twelve muffin cups to fill up seems like a ton of work... and I'm a lazy mom.