Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Banishing Binky: Help Wanted!

I could really use some brilliant ideas, opinions, and guidance. I'll take anything you've got. How do we get rid of the binky without getting rid of sleep? Right now Fisch only uses it for naps and bedtime, but he looks forward to going to sleep so that he can have it. Sometimes if he is upset, he'll tell me he wants to go to bed (so that he can sit there and suck on it). It is obviously very comforting and very soothing for him. He is 2 1/2 exactly, isn't it time? Other transitions haven't been too problematic... like the transition to the toddler bed, to underwear, to sippy cups... but this one seems HUGE. I'm aware that it could just be me... but I really don't think so. He is very particular, and will only use the Soothie infant pacifier (at right). These binkies show no signs of age. I did cut one once, and gave it to him... but he just wailed that he wanted to go to BFF's house (she has one there for him). Not, that I'm actually afraid that he will run away... but what Mommy wants to hear that her son wants to live somewhere else??? Help!

Oh... heh heh heh... totally off the subject, but on the subject of BFF. She slept over at our house on Saturday, and Fisch spent the entire evening telling everyone that he and BFF live together!

Then, when Sheila came to pick up BFF the next morning, Fisch and BFF were "fixing" some toys by using crayons as screwdrivers. Sheila asked what they were doing and BFF replied, "We're just screwing".

And since all of that was OK with me... I guess you could say that Andy and I are very progressive parents!!! ;)

Anyway don't forget to share your tips. What's worked for you, or someone you know, or on one of those Nanny shows?


The Cundick Family said...

My Jackson who is now 9 was a total binky baby. When he was 2 I got so tired of him talking around his binky so we told him that if he left them for Santa he would bring him presents. So on Christmas eve we got a plate and collected all the binkys and said our last goodbyes and in the morning he has lots of presents and he never mentioned wanting a binky again. I know that Christmas is a ways off but maybe you could do the binky fairy, I saw it on supernanny?? Good luck :)

Irelan Family Blog said...

Landen was 18 or 19 months when we took the binky away. At first we started only having in at nap time, bed time, or when he got hurt. Then we went cold turkey and just stoped giving them to him. It has been a few months now and he doesn't ask for them. Before we did that I was going to try the attaching it to a balloon and telling him that we were sending them to the binkt fairy so she could give them to a new baby who need them thing I think I seen it in Parents Magazine.

Shari said...

Our middle son was a total binky baby, too. We put all of his binkies in a ziploc bag and told him that he was a big boy now. It was time to get rid of them. We had him throw them in a public trashcan and say good-bye. Then we took him to WalMart and told him to pick something that he wanted to sleep with instead of the binky. Binkies were for little boys and he was a BIG boy now. He picked a stuffed horse and it worked. He still sleeps with that horse and he's almost eight!

Janalu said...

when I was little my mom told me she cut the end off all the binks and called them broken. They were all like that and I guess I didn't like it cause it wan't sucky anymore.

Anonymous said...

We are having this very exact problem! We've been told by many people that you should have HIM throw it away. Give him all the binkies and walk with him to the trash can and let him do the work~ Landon has actually thrown away 1 of them himself, but I've been telling him that if he loses the 2 he has now he's not getting anymore! Another thing that's making it difficult for us is GRAMMA! She likes to give them to him! Good luck! If you find something that works send the advice on over! hehe

Lisa, F is for Fischer said...

Thanks everyone!!! I really appreciate all of the great ideas. Currently Fischer is sick with a bad cold. I am going to wait till he feels tip top before making this transition. I'll definitely let you all know how it goes!

mandie said...

My advice is this...if you are not ready and he is not ready, give it some time. Blaise and Violet both had them. I just took blaise's away and told him it was all gone. He was fine and not even a tear. Violet on the otherhand still wants something to help her sleep. I took it away over a year ago and she still has a hard time going to sleep. I even tried giving it back to her. She had no idea what is was by then and there was no hope. It is just their personalities. Good luck and if you go for it--know that we have all been there (sometimes it is harder for the mommies)! You may be surprised at how easy it is.

Irelan Family Blog said...

I would take it away while he is still sick. When I took Landen's away he was getting his top teeth and I think it made him forget about it better.