Sunday, March 9, 2008

Inspiration on Sunday

Do It For Me
"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me." Matthew 25:40
- - - - - - - - Devotional Thought For The Day - - - - - - -
Someone in need is in front of you. Your resources are limited. You are tired. It's not your fault. It's their problem. You care, but not enough. Someone else will help them.
The King identifies them: "these brothers of mine." You know the King, the Lord Jesus, your Savior! "It is Me," He says! "I am here needing your help, your support, your encouragement." "Do it for Me," He gently urges us.
Think about Jesus when you don't care enough. If it were Him, you would find the resources, the energy. You wouldn't think about fault. You would simply do it, because of what He has done for you! See Jesus, and do it.
- - - - - - - - - Prayer For The Day - - - - - - - -
O Lord Jesus, often I think of You as being in heaven, far from the blood, sweat, and tears of this earthly life. Remind me that You are here always, in all around me. Help me love You, as You have loved me. Amen.

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