Friday, October 22, 2010
And 7 months later....
Friday, March 12, 2010
Why did I ask?
Fischer: "When you are wearing earrings, you look beautiful."
Me: "What's the most beautiful thing about me?"
Fischer: "Your earrings. You really should've worn earring's today."
Seriously! Why would I ask such a loaded question?????
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Product Review: Spiral Spin Top
Maddie and I had the chance to review Infantino's Spiral Spin Top. Ebeanstalk sent it to us to see what we thought. The toy is for 6 months and up, Maddie is 7 months.
I have to say that while she wasn't that interested in pushing the top down, she did like sliding the whole toy across the floor. The button on top is hard to push down if you don't push it directly on top. She liked turning the whole thing on its side and rolling it around, and she spent some quality time trying to figure out why she couldn't grab those little balls.
I found it to be sturdy and safe, but I wish that she could make it work.
We happen to have a similar toy from a different company, and I found that one to be easier for her to operate, and it had a more pleasing sound while spinning.
Neither brand of spin top has held her attention for very long. I probably wouldn't buy one of these for a friend, but it is a fine toy for playing with and passing along to the next little kiddo.
Ebeanstalk is a website dedicated to selecting great toys for 1 year olds and toys for 2 year olds. They have a team of moms and a team of child experts that help them pick out toys by age, so you can be sure your child gets toys that have been specifically matched to his or her age!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I'm sucking at the blogging.
I could tell you about all of the things I've been thinking about blogging about... you know, when I plan my blog posts while laying in bed, washing the dishes, or taking a shower... but now I forgot what they were. They were some amazingly deep and very moving prose though, I'm sure.
Instead I'll tell you that I think that:
- All Rice Krispies treats should be made with 5 cups of Krispies... never 6.
- Quinoa is pretty yummy and makes a good sub when you are super sick of putting rice or pasta with every dish.
- I bought that milled flax seed at Costco and am beginning to use it as a sub for eggs, butter, or oils in my recipes. So far, I've tried it in pancakes in place of oil... they were great!
- We can eat an entire bunch of bananas in one day, and Andy hates bananas.
- I would like to submit Gerber Graduates Puffs to the USDA as a new food group so that I don't feel so guilty for how many of them Maddie eats in one day. They are wonderful because not only do they fill her tummy a tiny bit, but they keep her busy!
I'll try to think of the deep stuff for next time. ;) Phew... got that post over with! Now maybe I'll be able to start writing more and reading yours! I've missed you.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Pain in the butt
I had kept her lathered in Boudreaux Butt Paste, which has been my cream of choice for both kids. In fact, I credited Butt Paste for the fact that Fisch never had diaper rash... that and my amazing mothering skills -HA! Sorry. The rash started to look like tiny blisters which then popped... once there were open wounds, the Butt Paste seemed to be painful when applied to her tiny bum. The poor sweet thing screamed and looked at me in shock that I would do something to purposely hurt her! I cried too!
The wipes seemed to hurt her sore tush too. I tried everything to get her healed up. I started using wet paper towels and trying to pat her clean, I tried Vaseline, Desitin, Balmex, Neosporin, lots of baths (that she just kept pooping in - ew) and every combination of them that I could think of. Nothing really helped.
Finally the winning remedy was Balmex Healing Ointment and Maximum Strength Desitin. I put the Balmex on first and the Desitin on top... she was totally protected and started to heal. YAY! The great thing about that Maximum Strength Desitin was that it stayed on between diaper changes, whereas some of the others seemed to either get absorbed or rub off on the diaper.
Did you know that when you use diaper creams you are supposed to apply them like a paint rather than a lotion. You aren't supposed to rub them in. I didn't know that with Fischer.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Fischer: "Maybe X-man will marry Maddie."
BFF: "Maybe he'll marry Baby Evelyn".
Fischer: "Maybe he'll marry me."
BFF: "No, I'm going to marry you, remember!"
Fischer: "Two boys can get married."
BFF: "No, because you need a mom and a dad."
Fischer: "Or you could have two moms or two dads."
(I absolutely LOVE listening to them talk to each other.)
Friday, January 1, 2010
Growing up Maddison
Nobody ever calls her Maddison. It is Maddie Moo, Maddie Cakes, Maddiekins, Moose, Gorgeous, MadDog, Madd, Pumpkin Bread, Punky Punky, the list goes on...
At her four month appointment, the doctor said that at 26.8 inches, she is completely off the charts in height, well over the hundredth percentile. And at 15.4 pounds, she is in the 95th percentile for weight. He did say that she was "the picture of health". YAY!
She doesn't cry often, but when she gets really wound up and inconsolable, the sure-fire trick to calm her is to take her into the bathroom with the light on, the fan on, and the shower on.
She still loves to be squished into the sling like a tiny baby. She'll take a lovely nap, if she can do that.
This week she tried rice cereal for the first time. She liked being fed with the spoon, but didn't actually swallow anything. In the end, she was just annoyed at the whole thing... because she was HUNGRY!
Maddison can brighten up a room and light up my life with just one of her happy smiles.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
A goal for the new year
I'll be doing a lot of running to get ready for another marathon in October, but by using the term "exercise" I can do stretching or yoga if I am sick or injured (good idea Lauren).
Do you have any fitness plans for the new year, or fitness plans that work for you now? I'd love some ideas and advice to keep myself motivated. There is a 6 week plan in the Women's Health magazine that I think I'll incorporate at one point, and I'll do the Couch to 5k plan too. I'm thinking that if I keep changing it up, I won't get bored. Also, short term goals are good.
So this is where I am starting... I can always amp it up... but this is my overall goal.
I'm prepping right now by cutting out all of the sweet treats and refined sugar in my diet for a few weeks. December had me addicted to cookies! Seriously, they are THAT good! ;) By the way no sugar for me means real withdrawals, like headaches, grumpiness, and ravishing hunger. Yikes!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas in Review - and at length
Fischer and Maddison had their Christmas pictures taken right after Thanksgiving.
They also got to see Santa! Although he was super excited to meet Santa, Fischer was pretty shy. He didn't ask Santa for anything, in fact he didn't speak at all... and it was a struggle to get him very close to Santa's lap. The rest of the month, anytime someone asked him what he asked Santa for he'd reply "I'm just going to see what he brings me!" Not too helpful for Santa...
We celebrated Hanukkah earlier in the month with GrandmaBetsy. Fischer loved opening presents for both he and Maddison. His favorite gifts were a Geotrax Cars racetrack and a headlamp. Maddie loved a noisy butterfly toy and I loved her new cozy jammies. Andy and I were drooling over our new Dyson vacuum! Ok, maybe I was the only one drooling! Fischer loved lighting all of the menorahs and listening to Grandma sing the prayers. We had a yummy dinner complete with latkes and applesauce... and of course enough chocolate gelt to go around.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Deep thoughts
- It is impossible to bake cookies and not eat any of them... or most of them.
- "Your hands feel like feet. " That's what my mom always told me whenever she touched my hands when they needed lotion. Right now they are so dry from washing them millions of times a day. The skin under my wedding ring is cracking!
- One time I was holding the choir book in middle school and the girl next to me told me that my thumb looked like a big toe. Try holding a book open to share with someone else while hiding your thumbs from view... it is very hard... especially if the book is heavy.
- Also, one time in middle school, it was the first day of school and I went to sit down at a desk in my math class, and a girl whipped around from the desk in front of me, pointed to the other side of the room and said "You and your little friends can sit over there!" I was totally shocked at her tone. It could only mean one thing... I went home and announced to my mother that I had just discovered that "I'M a NERD!" Then my mother responded very matter-of-factly with, "You can't be a nerd. I'm not a nerd. Your father is not a nerd. Therefor, you cannot be a nerd." So there you have it - it is genetically impossible for me to be a nerd - take that you middle school girl!
- Sophie has a little tumor or something on her lower eyelid that is poking her in the eye... apparently the vet wants $550 dollars to remove it... and clean her teeth of course. What the? I said, I'll wait till Sophie starts winking at me because it is bugging her. Is that wrong? After all remember the million dollar procedure (and teeth cleaning, of course) that Kaia had to have a few months ago?
- My family is asleep, my to-do list is a mile long... and yet, I've picked right now to finally write another blog post.
- I like my own sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies better than yours. Don't worry, everything else you make is better than mine... but not these cookies.
- I'm contemplating setting an impossible goal... running 365 days in 2010. This is big, since I've only run three times since April. BUT I really want to run the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco next October, and I don't want to be as crappy as my last marathon... so it'd be nice if I shed some pounds and got my groove on instead of just talking about it. I think I'll start with a Couch to 5K plan and go from there. Also... I was thinking that for everyday I run this December, I'd allow those to be my buffer days next year. Like, if I run 5 days now, then I'll forgive myself for missing up to 5 days next year... I'm still thinking about it. I think my stipulation would be that I have to be run/walking for at least 30 minutes. Then, as soon as I can run for 30 minutes without walking... the stipulation would change to running for at least 30 minutes. Do you think 365 days is too big of a goal for this all-or-nothing chick?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
I'm back from temporary indecisiveness
I was thinking that if I went "private" then I could be a little more specific on certain things. I'm stinking at keeping up on the baby books... so I thought I could at least make sure I document things here, so I'll have the info went I want it... when I have time to scrapbook again someday.
Anyway, sorry about that. I hope you find me again.
Oh... and I guess blogging everyday in November just wasn't in the cards for me this year! Oops!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Happy Birthday MOM/Grandma!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Soup and straw
A friend of mine has her kids drink up the "juice" in their soup with a straw! Why didn't I think of that? I was always straining Fischer's soup to make it "juice-less" - now he drinks up and eats up! He thinks it is so fun!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Lovin' these links.
- Color Me Katie - for her joy and creativity
- Improv Everywhere - for making me wish I lived in New York and could join!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Do not read.
Have a great night!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa/Dad
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Get in Shape Girl
Running and a variety of The Biggest Loser workout videos from the library... and I'm well on my way to a new healthier and happier me. I will give my Bod a shout out for losing about 50 lbs after Maddie was born. Way to go Bod! My Bod deserves a little kudos after being so stubborn and refusing to lose weight after Fischer was born! Remember how I even ran another marathon between the two kids? NO weight lost!... or at least not any worth bragging about.
Ummm, wait a minute, did she just say she lost 50 pounds and still needs to get in shape? Ummm, YES - thanks for pointing that out! Jerk.
This is it, there is no reason to wait. I'm not having more kids, I don't need to gain more weight... I can only go up from here right? Or rather, go down from here. I'm outing myself as a chubby mama, now you know. BUT... oh just wait, soon I'll be outing myself as a card carrying member of the "HOT MAMA" club! In fact, on that day, I shall take a picture of myself in a white unitard and post it proudly... nothing to hide! See, now you are rooting for me... just because you want to see me in white spandex. Thank you for your support, and I forgive you for making that sarcastic comment about my 50 pounds.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
It is not all or nothing....
I am going to go against all that I am and keep blogging every day for the month. It is a lesson in forgiveness for myself.
Here are a few of my random thoughts for today:
- I found out today that fireman do NOT wear jammies at the firestation. Yes, I had to ask.
- Maddie is only noisy in church if everyone else is quiet.
- I can now run fabulously without any pain in my pelvis.
- Kaia cannot run anymore, it makes her too limpy.
- My mom has become a rockstar.
- Fischer and BFF must wear boots and snow pants if there is even the slightest chance of encountering snow.
- Maddison looks so stinkin' cute in babylegs... I just want to eat her up.
- Fischer just told me to write : "February 27th we should go to Hawaii, for my present and my birthday party."
- That's his birthday, I think he is right! That would be a great present! Ummm, I'd like to go there for my birthday too! Hmmm... someday.
- We're on round two of the fall cold... only a few days of wellness in between. How does this happen when I am so careful to keep our hands washed and sanitized? Maybe because my son licked the doors at JCPenney's.
Friday, November 6, 2009
A month of Halloween
Fischer and Maddie went to a scarecrow festival with friends and Fischer played played played: bounce houses, giant slides, tunnels, haunted houses, games, treats, pizza, petting zoo and pony rides! Maddie slept through most of it.