Monday, October 13, 2008

Book of the Day

We've been reading lots and lots of Halloween books around here. Fischer loves The Runaway Pumpkin by Kevin Lewis and S.D. Schindler. The pictures are funny and the text has a good rhythm. Fisch really likes the "'round and 'round across the ground makin' thumpin' bumpin sound came that thumpety, bumpety, thumpin', bumpin, round and roll-y RUNAWAY PUMPKIN!" line that is repeated throughout the book. We've read it enough to almost have it memorized!!
He is also a big fan of Kay Winters' The Teeny Tiny Ghost series and Ten Little Mummies by Philip Yates (which is good if you can get past the idea that "little mummies" would have to be dead children - apparently that doesn't bother Fischer ;)).

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